The Art of Wealth Creation: Employment as A Means to an End

By Teboho Polanka

Image Credit: BlankBelly Photography

The “art of wealth creation” is something I wish to bring to light, now. The idea behind this line of thinking is that, we aren’t going to be employed for the rest of our lives.

So if we live on earnings, what happens if we’re laid off. And this could be on account of downsizing, unfair dismissals and/or retirement. Whatever the case maybe, the fact is employment isn’t a lifetime guarantee. Let’s spice this a bit, shall we?

Why do people seek to be employed in the first place? Or rather, why are you employed? Is it because you just want to be engaged in something? Is it because you ONLY want to get paid?

Most people don’t even know why they’re so eager to be employed. Or worse, most seek employment without long-term goals. If they can just secure employment, all is well with them. But I think, we ought to seek employment not for employment’s sake. We should think of employment as a means to something and not as a goal in itself. This will ultimately mean that people should start being strategic.

Why an art not a science? This is a skill without which people are doomed to life of consistent threat of poverty between short-term employments. At one point or another, we all must think of discontinuing work for money. We must find ways of making the money payback to us all the toil we’ve had to put in to earn it. Thus, we must devise ways of generating wealth. Ever heard of investment?

Not all employed people are wealthy, right? But not all the unemployed, in the common understanding of the term, are without wealth.

Information is among the most worthless commodities on earth. We are flooded with information from books, magazines, news and seminars, not to mention TV. We have far too much information – and not enough guidance about using it to make a significant difference in our lives.Phillip E. Humbert IN MAKING MONEY, CREATING WEALTH

I know a lot of folks with lots of literature on things like unleashing your true potential; having your best life now and the likes. The problem is that; no potential is being unleashed nor any best life experienced. Whether or not all that literature is practical I cannot say. But all I wish to say, like Humbert suggests not much practicality is found in most self-help books. And because of that, most informed people are still not independently wealthy.

Which explains, why I wish to bring to light the fact that we need to use our money to create wealth.

According to Humbert, most people retire poor! He further says that, “I consider that a modern tragedy, and one of my goals is to change that! You can retire with “enough” – you can earn more, and more importantly, you can keep more! Let’s talk about how.”

Accumulating wealth is the predictable result of knowledge, effective strategies, patience and persistence.

Let’s scout for ways to financial independence together. Isn’t that why people work for extra hours at times? People have always worked to get paid. But a great majority, haven’t figured out why they remain threatened by poverty after years of constant labor. Well the following will help us find out the things that might have hindered financial freedom for many.

Humbert suggests the following wealth creation strategies:

The essential first step is to respect money and understand how it works. Most people never study money. Some of us even avoid the subject. We don’t talk about it in our families. We don’t read about it; we don’t budget or track it. And, we certainly don’t teach our children about it in school, which I think is a terrible mistake. No wonder that as adults, the one thing we do know about money is that we don’t have enough of it! It’s time to change that!

The second step to creating wealth is to understand this: Money is fundamentally an idea! It’s a social agreement to exchange value in a convenient way. Little pieces of paper with pictures and numbers have no inherent value. After World War I, particularly in Germany, cash literally became worthless. There are famous stories of a woman with a wheelbarrow full of cash going to buy bread. Some thieves accosted her, wrestled the wheelbarrow from her, turned it over to dump the money on the ground and ran off with the wheelbarrow.

The key to making money is understanding that those numbers and pieces of paper represent human effort and wealth. We can exchange pieces of paper for goods and services only if we agree that those pieces of paper represent value!


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.