An Ultimate Achiever: Getting What You Want from Life

Photo by Grant Ritchie on Unsplash
Photo by Grant Ritchie on Unsplash

Ever wondered why some people succeed on an epic scale, while a great majority just glide through mediocrity? Why is it that many people don’t succeed at all, in anything?

Well, it’s because most people don’t even know what they want to start with. They live because they woke up and greatly because air is free. Sure they think they do know what they want but the reality is they don’t. many of them think they need millions in order to start pursuing life with vigour.

I remember talking with some fellow youth. I wanted to know if they had any hope-filled future plans. They believed they did. They thought all they needed was large sums of money. Well, just to show them that they didn’t, I suggested we visit a bank.

I promised be the spokesman, but should the bank desire to see our plan they were to take it from there. They were filled with fear. They knew they couldn’t present a plan to the bank, because like I said they had no plan. So many are self-deceived into thinking they have plans.

Lolly Daskal in How to Get What You Want Out of Life suggests the following steps:

  1. Set an ambitious goal: your goal determines your direction. Identifying a specific goal establishes the foundation of your success. It’s an especially important step, because choosing one goal means rejecting other possibilities, so you need to understand your priorities and values from the heart.
  2. Make a compelling plan: for every goal, design a plan that includes what you will do and how you’ll do it. This plan serves as the strategy for achieving your goal.
  3. Do the hard work: for many of us, this is the hardest part: getting up and starting. To be effective, you need to work with courage, determination, effort and discipline.
  4. Deal with ghastly setbacks: as you move through your plan, it’s inevitable that you will encounter problems at some point. How you deal with them will determine your success.
  5. Measure your solid progress: you need clear metrics to make sure you’re staying on track with your action plan and meeting all criteria. Make sure you’re measuring your wins and successes, not just your shortcomings.
  6. Mind your bad habits: there are many factors to success, but at the end of the day habits play a huge role. Keep your bad habits at bay, and your good habits and work ethic in fine order, and the odds will stay on your side.

In order to get what you want from life, you need to establish the ultimate goal. Then have other lesser, subordinate goals to help you get to the bigger plan. From there, game on.

Success depends on more than having positive thoughts and confessions, although they are important. Success demands hard, focused work.

Expect nothing by doing nothing.


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.