Why you should mind your eating habits

By Teboho Polanka

Photo by Christian Bolt on Unsplash
Photo by Christian Bolt on Unsplash
A healthy body is not just about being fit – in reality it is a combination of many factors, of which exercise is a small part. A healthy body is achieved not only with physical well-being but also with a healthy mental and spiritual attitude. The way to good health and a healthy body is directly related to what is put into that body and how it is treated. Eating well is an essential part of being healthy, and can help us perform well and feel our best. I’ve never heard of anybody who hates living in health. Have you? Do you know of anyone who can honestly say, I personally enjoy suffering or being sick all the time? Why do people use pharmaceuticals? Why do we go to hospitals? Why do the United States have the biggest loser programs? I believe nations are starting to realize that, we must all keep up with internationally recommended health regulations. Because we want to be in health, right? But hey, it all begins with healthy eating. In as far as health is concerned, healthy living and healthy eating are key non-negotiables. Somebody once said that, one apple a day can keep a doctor away for life. But now do we really need to be conscious of our dietary intake? Remember too much of anything can make you sick, that should be enough to make us want to be a little more careful, right? From our early schooling we’re taught in home economics – about body-building, energy-giving as well as protective foods- because we need to know about all that. But why should we go all that far? Was it or is it just for mental assent and/or knowledge? Ever heard of “balanced diet?” I bet you have! Have you ever thought of what that means and why it’s important? Research after research has revealed dangers associated- say obesity, malnutrition and the likes- with careless eating, but it’s terrifying to see people living uninformed lives. Today with our microwave generation (a people who want only ready-made foods), it is evident that taking time to eat right is considered a thing of the past. However, it is very Important that we all eat well, not necessarily in a zombified sort of way. I mean we’ve got to make sure that at least for a week we’ve had the intake of all those food groups not in all meals though. This is good for your general health and productivity in your line of employment. That when coupled with exercising will make exploits and you’ll enjoy the most that this life has to offer. Junk eating and physical inactivity must fall.


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.