Planning is key, but for better chances of success, try something new and take risks

By Teboho Polanka

Photo by dan carlson on Unsplash
Photo by dan carlson on Unsplash

I’ve often watched people around my area who would fear attempting to do anything that is beyond what they presently know. People always want to do that which they know best.

I mean these sort are not risk-takers. They are people who prefer working plans. Well tried-and-tested frameworks. They only do small thinks without the risk of failing.

Had it not been of your love of ease, what sort of things would you be doing? Would you have taken on that business adventure? Would you have applied for that job? Would you have undertaken that study?

“Not long ago, strategy was king. Forecasting, planning, and placing smart bets created the power sources within organizations. The future of a business (or a career) could fit into an established framework or system. If managed well, success would follow.” David Horth & Dan Buchner

But because of the advances in our world, no one can truly anticipate well the outcomes of our intended endeavors. We know not whether we will come out winners or the reality will spank us once more.

We want to achieve so much, but fear risking much. A lot of us would really want to see things changed, but we can’t sell out our love of comfort. We all like to feel like we’re in control.

David and Dan further maintain that, today, uncertainty is palpable. Planning for next quarter is a challenge. Even more difficult is committing to decisions that will play out in one to five years. What is the new process, the innovative product, the game-changing service, or the compelling vision?

In the words of one senior executive: “We’ve lost our crystal ball.”

I believe I have lived long enough to tell you this: 90% of life deals with how you deal with what happens. What do I mean by this? You can’t always plan ahead. Life is full of surprises. All you need to do is stay alert, not to be caught off guard.

“I used to be a great strategic planner. Now, I’m not sure of the right way to go. There has got to be something else, another way to look at our industry and our future.”- unknown

So for the great majority that will not risk a thing, you shall never achieve any of your aspirations. We can’t always have answers, but we should keep dreaming and moving. Be careful not to undertake little things and succeeding.

This is a fact even in sports. I have watched soccer and seen that as the game gets tough one or both coaches would bring in fresher players, and perhaps, even change the game plan. Which shows that planning is good but not sufficient if we’re to live meaningful and succeeding lives.

“Obviously, we can’t keep doing the same things over and over again. Our internal systems aren’t efficient and our best products are old news.”- unknown

Why all these now? Because we can’t continue blaming what governments are not doing or what witches did. We need to smarten up about life and keep pressing on after our deeply ingrained aspirations.

In our world, people don’t lack ideas, theories or information. They know a lot about a lot of things. But with a lot of what happens, life demands innovative thinking.

All that traditional knowledge and expertise is good but not always the best to resort to. ‘’We know innovation is part of the answer. But how do we do it?”


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.