The future of work is about flexibility and the ability to adapt


Technology has become increasingly central in our daily lives. Communication systems have drastically changed. Work environments have become more digital. Organizations have evolved. No longer are they labour intensive.

What used to call for a group of experts, can now be performed by one computer literate individual. No one can deny the impact of the digital economy.

In our present world we now have things such as online marketing. These new developments call for our undivided attention. Which says a lot about our future prospects of life in general. In other words, technology has become the central nervous system in the world of work.

What does the future look like? Can anyone foresee the future from where we’re standing? Well, so many researches have been published. Researches that sought to understand these changes. And the findings call for attention. They call for urgency. Urgency to finding ways in which we can keep up with likely future changes. Resisting this changes will be to our own demise.

Future work will to a great extent call for flexible work environments. Ever heard of freelancing? Yah, that’s our future right there. Customized work, real-time recognition and collective intelligence give in hint of what is coming.

By the look of things, it becomes apparent that ONLY by being digital can these be possible. Today the question is no longer: is there such a thing as digital economy? Rather the real question is: how can we adapt to it?

This concerns both the employers and employees. Employers need to figure out the things that will mean success in business. Employees need to worry about staying relevant and needed.

These, hopefully explain why it is imperative that we understand the digital economy. The economy that requires proactivity from us. We can’t afford to always be reacting to changes. We need to, in the words of Abraham Lincoln “Predict the future by creating it.”

Chess is a virtually limitless game, yet we still have grandmasters who spend lots of time studying games and pondering moves. What for? Why bother trying to study or explore something if the combinations are endless: to identify patterns and look for familiar scenarios or positions. –Jacob Morgan in THE FUTURE OF WORK

The same goes for business and the world of work. If people passively wait upon the mercies of the future, we’re doomed. We should actively determine the future of work. People need to figure out the types of businesses; the types of required skills and skill levels; as well as the needed specialized knowledge.

As with chess, there’s such a thing as a check-mate in the world of work. Unless we’re active in building the future; the future will force us to surrender our right to choose. To choose the careers we want and the types of business ventures we want to launch.


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.