The Benefits of Hobbies

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Hobbies have a very important role in our daily lives. From them, we can not just spend our time with pleasure, but also develop and improve ourselves. In addition, hobbies are useful for us in order to relieve stress, relax, and forget about all the troubles, worries and difficulties of life.

Most importantly, hobbies benefit children in many ways. It gives a child an opportunity to express themselves, and it allows them to discover themselves and build self-esteem. They are also great educational tools.

A child interested in writing stories learns about sentence structure and proper grammar. Hobbies teach children to set and achieve goals, solve problems and make decisions.  They can also set the course for what your child becomes later in life as they often turn into lifelong interests or careers. 

Children who have hobbies are usually following in their parents footsteps, so set a good example by pursuing your own hobby.  Your child will need space for their hobby, so find an area designated specifically for his hobby so he can work on it. Realize that hobbies can sometimes be quite messy, so be ready for messes as they come with the territory.

As an example, more than once I’ve had to write this article, and usually the original draft runs too long. Take this one for instance: it’s 627 words on a topic that could have been covered in much less space. The purpose of this exercise wasn’t to make this article longer, though; it was to make it better.

More time spent on each draft undoubtedly improved the end product. But sometimes, deadlines won’t wait for you to get everything just right. Sometimes you need to lock down a first draft and move on. Such is life of a blogger dealing with tight deadlines.

However, on hobbies such as this blog–which may never see a deadline–I don’t feel the same pressure to get everything “just right” in only a limited amount of time. I can afford to write what works for me (which is relatively short posts with minimal writing), go back later and make changes (or not) if needed, and come back again at some point prior to posting if I want to edit some more.

Be available to your child to provide guidance, support and encouragement.  This is a great time to teach your child strong work habits, such as following directions closely, setting goals, and proper planning and organization.  Show them that nothing worthwhile is ever easy, especially when they begin to become frustrated with their progress.  It’s also a good time to teach them about personal responsibility and show them how important it is to properly care for their work area and their ‘tools of the trade.’

Children will be more encouraged to work on their hobbies if activities like watching television or playing video games are limited.  It’s been noted by experts that by age 15, the average child has spent more time watching television than sitting in a classroom.  

Again, here’s where setting a good example is crucial.  Instead of watching that four-hour football game on Saturday, turn the TV off and work on your own hobby.  Your child may want to join in or work on their own as a result.

Hobbies are rewarding and enriching parts of our lives, so encourage your child to explore his own interests and find a hobby of their very own.

The truth is, hobbies are something that everyone should have. Whether you’re a young professional who wants to invest in yourself, or an elder looking to keep socializing and living as healthy as possible, hobbies are something that allow us to grow both personally and socially. By spending time on self-improvement, we ensure a long and fulfilling life—and one that’s worth living.


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.