Psychometric Assessment for Lesotho Highlands Development Authority


Psychometric Assessment for Lesotho Highlands Development Authority

The Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA) invites Request for Quotations from competent, experienced and capable Psychometrist/Psychologist or company registered with the Professional Board for Psychology of the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) or equivalent to conduct Psychometric Assessments for identified positions for Lesotho Highlands Development Authority.

Request for Quotations Documents are available for collection for a non-refundable fee of M1000.00, at Lesotho Highlands Development Authority, Procurement Office, 7th floor, LHDA Tower Building, Kingsway; Maseru, or can be downloaded at no cost at the LHDA website,

Sealed tenders clearly marked request for ‘QUOTATIONS FOR THE PROVISION OF PSYCHOMETRIC ASSESSEMENT FOR IDENTIFIED POSITIONS FOR LESOTHO HIGHLANDS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY’ bearing the name of the bidder should be deposited at Lesotho Highlands Development Authority, 7th floor, LHDA Tower Building, Kingsway; Maseru not later than 17:00 hours on Friday 01 November 2024.

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