Is Your Workplace Safe?

Photo by Pop & Zebra on Unsplash

“It can’t happen to me…” “Safety third” is a great catchphrase, but in a lot of cases, it really shouldn’t be. Let’s face it: injuries are no fun. Whether it’s a paper cut, a twisted ankle, or an unexpected explosion — nobody wants to get hurt at work.

Every company, especially those involved in industrial manufacturing, are constantly looking at ways to continuously improve their products and processes. They realize that their profits are directly related to the ways and means by which they produce their products.

Unfortunately, too many companies get caught up in drive for higher profits and tend to allow workplace safety to become an afterthought. When you think about workplace safety, what comes to mind? Probably some general areas of concern: slips and falls, work-related illnesses, ergonomics. You know the basics.

But when it comes to the actual hazards that exist in your office or factory, do you know what they are and how to handle them? Is your floor safe? Are there any loose wires in the ceiling? Is there a fire extinguisher within reach of every employee? Do you have electrical cords taped down to avoid tripping over them?

Many companies don’t focus on workplace safety until someone gets hurt. But that approach is all wrong; it’s better to have a plan in place so all employees understand the types of hazards they may encounter and how to minimize their risk.

The costs associated with operating a large manufacturing facility are astounding. Workplace injuries place a massive burden of expense and weakened productivity on a company. These injuries can be reduced with proper planning and careful attention to detail.

Most workplace injuries are preventable. There are a number of factors to consider, but maintaining a safe and tidy work area is one of the best ways to prevent injury. Workers, too, have a responsibility in keeping themselves safe from harm.

Workplace injuries place a significant burden on health care providers and insurance companies. As companies continue to pay higher premiums for employee health care, one of the only means available for cost recovery is to increase the prices of the goods they produce.

This places the burden of expense on the consumer, and allows companies to ignore the root cause of their workplace injuries. The focus here seems to be on maintaining a healthy relationship with shareholders, and not necessarily on maintaining a healthy workforce.


Employers, take heed of the following requirements for safe workplaces:

  1. Maintain a neat and tidy workplace. With all this stuff/implement in there, how do you expect workers to get anything done?
  2. At least provide proper lighting to ensure people can work without straining their eyes.
  3. Install a clean and safe toilet so employees are not forced to go home and relieve themselves.
  4. No more than 40 hours of overtime a week! This is practically the norm these days!!!
  5. Always have the right set of Safety Equipment on hand in case of any emergencies.


Safe workplace practices are important and take efforts from all parties: employers, staff and equipment owners. We live in a litigious society and not following the established guidelines could have potentially devastating results. A simple mistake could lead to serious consequences and an untimely end to your business.

In addition, there are safety regulations that must be adhered to, but sometimes those rules can be a little too much. If companies want to be profitable in the long term, they need to reexamine their approach to workplace safety and the health of their workers.
