Initial Steps to Getting Organized at Home and at Work

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

We all want to feel in control. Nothing is as frustrating as feeling clueless about the future or the next step to take. Feeling organized is what everyone is running after. And it pays off to be organized.

But being organized doesn’t have to sound very overwhelming. It shouldn’t make anyone sweat. At least not always. Let’s explore a few key areas on which you can start working on in your pursuit of being organized.

Begin with messes and clutter that you see every day.

Small things that are scattered in your immediate surrounding may need your attention. For instance, have you ever being in a kitchen where the utensils, pots and plates seem to have been on strike? Where everything is just a mess?

It feels overwhelming and you don’t readily know where to start if you want to clean that up. But with cleaning a few things, suddenly a way appears and before you know it you have survived that torrent of dirty kitchen

Organize your kitchen, garage, and family room before your hallway closet. Once you see how nice it looks, you will want to work on the hidden areas.

Use drawer dividers for socks, underwear, lingerie, and tiny items.

Many of us have had to battle the frustration of failing to find your stuff when you’re late. You become irritable. Take for instance, the frustration when you have a job interview and can’t remember where you’ve placed your socks and ties.

Use dividers to keep things separated and organized. This works well for both silverware and office supplies too.

Give everything in your house a place of its own.

Assigning different things their separate spaces can play the magic. That will mean that when you’re looking for something you don’t waste time looking through the entire house. Your family will also know exactly where to find it and where to put it away.

Establish one defined place in your house for storing library books.

You don’t want to find your books torn or misplaced, so having a book shelf can be essential. That way, you know where all the books are and you don’t have to dig through the house every time you want a book.

Hang hooks for your keys and purse at the entry to your home.

Keys can easily get lost, so hanging them by the door can save both the keys and your time. Each time you walk in, you can hang them up.

Get rid of things that are not needed any longer.

Identify some things that you are likely not going to use any more and donate them if you want. Avoid keeping inessential stuff.

Expired coupons, old prescriptions, magazines you might not get around to reading someday. All these take away space you could be using for items you do need and use.


You will free your mind to remember more important things like appointments and birthdays when you are organized. Be attentive about thoroughly cleaning once a month and you will find it much easier to keep up, week-by-week. An organized house does indeed help unclutter your mind.

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