How to navigate social media with coworkers

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

For a long time, perhaps for as long as there has been an office, workers have connected with one another. They used to do it in conference tables and at lunch, during after-hours gatherings and on work trips.

But now, more than ever, co-workers are connecting in entirely different platforms and online through social media.

Of course, the thing about social media is that often times we reveal things about ourselves that perhaps aren’t things we’d normally share in an office.

We might not be as honest about our political views when we’re in person as we are online, for example. Or we might share photos of super fun evenings that you wouldn’t have otherwise talked about at work.

And there are no hard and fast rules about what to share or what not to share, so it’s really up to everyone’s discretion. What should you understand? This graphic shares some issues.
