Friends Of People With Disabilities (FOPWD) Launches: Interview with the President

Photo by E Buddies
Photo by E Buddies.

Thandiwe Polanka of the association dubbed Friends of People with Disabilities availed herself to discuss their successful launch at the National University of Lesotho.

The launch was set into motion by an educational walk from ISAS to Netherlands Hall. A quick stop was done at DTF to illustrate the challenges that are faced by students who may either be on a wheelchair or using crutches.

Another urgent stop was made outside CMP. Admittedly, the building is equipped with a ramp that goes to the first floor. However, the challenge remains as the locked doors that complicate movement from CMP to BTM (for someone on a wheelchair) on the designed bridges.

It goes without saying that buildings at NUL are not particularly enabling to individuals with disabilities. On account of limited time, we rushed to Netherlands for the main event. Even the stage of Netherlands hall was cited as disabling because it has no ramp.

Invaluable information was shared by various speakers from relevant associations; Association for Students with Disabilities (ASD), Advocacy Team for Inclusion (ATI), National University of Lesotho Special Education Teachers Association (NULSETA), Awareness for Mental Wellbeing Association (AMWA) , the SRC, respectable departments and the university’s management.

All speakers did an outstanding job of commending the effort of the association, acknowledging the serious problem it addresses and giving information to assist accomplish the association’s well intended goals.

Thandiwe Polanka
Thandiwe Polanka

This brings us to the brief interview we had with the president. She outlined their goals and many other vital facts about the association. Let’s get into it, starting with the goals.

What are your short term goals?

To ease the lives of students with disabilities in regard to their learning however we can in the best way possible.

What are your long term goals?

To raise awareness about disability and advocate for the rights and responsibilities of our friends.

What birthed the idea of such an association?

In my third year I studied a module called Theology of Disabilities, which was gainful enough to have broadened and deepened my knowledge on disability. Considerations of tantamount significance which could be viewed as the main causes of disabilities are as follows.

The first is attitude, our attitude can contribute more to disability. Most people do not know how to deal with people with disabilities. To be factual, most of us fear them. This attitude makes them feel alienated. Deprived of the basic need of human connectedness.

The second is natural environment. In this instance, we have physical barriers which are the main contributors of disability in the NUL campus. The environment is not conducive for students with disabilities. The tour from ISAS and the stops we made at DTF and CMP were aimed to pass the message loud and clearly. It is worth is worth noting that our friends face a mountain of challenges in relation to their learning, the tour was just a tip of the iceberg representing impending doom if no meaningful action is taken.

The third one is lack of individualism. The rules and regulations that govern the institution do not consider the students with disabilities at an individual level. Disabilities vary in forms and intensity. I do not even have to go into the hazards presented by adopting a one size fits all approach.

Lastly, I learned that our silence contributes a lot to their disabilities. All this made me to terms with the truth that something had to be done. Therefore, I approached a few of my trusted classmates and shared my vision.

Dr Lekholokoe Leshota, who is a parent and an exceptional lecturer of Theology of Disabilities played an instrumental role in mentoring us to materialize our vision into reality. A reality that became incarnated as an association called Friends Of People With Disabilities.

How was the launch?

The launch was astronomically successful and interesting. We learned a lot from the speakers of the day and it downed upon us that our initiative of forming FOPWD was not only comprehended but also accepted. We got ample motivation and important information about disabilities.

What advice can you give to people who deal with the disabled?

I would like to encourage people who interact with people with disabilities to want more information from them. They should not do anything about them without them.

Another crucial step is to empathise rather than show them sympathy. This goes as far as unconditionally loving them and awarding them the same opportunities as able bodied people because their disabilities does not mean their inability. That is why our motto is Don’t Dis My Ability.

Any concluding remarks?

Yes! I would like to thank everybody and institutions that made the launch possible. A special thanks to our sponsors, LDA Purified Water delivered refreshing still water while Computer Business Solutions pledged a website after three months.

Of matching significance is that we should stop discriminating against the disabled because even though we may be able bodied, we still have our unique disabilities.

Everyone can be disabled, a simple example is that of a tragic car accident that leaves you in crutches or on a wheelchair. Now imagine being part of that group you ignored and looked down upon.

Another example is that of short-sightedness and long-sightedness. Those are not considered as disability because spectacles correct the sight. The purpose of the example is to show that people are only disabled if no action is taken to improve their lives.

The moment we realize that we are all human, all the same and all worthy of unconditional love, the moment we live up to that realization, the world will be a better place.


Khothatso Kolobe
Khothatso is a creative willing to do and be anyone and anything to make a positive impact. His creative history is available on Facebook and Instagram (@artzoniac). He's a multi dimensional being accomplishing universal good.