Easy to Do Agribusiness Ideas in 2019


Talks about agriculture can be daunting. This is because we’ve been hit by drastic climatic changes. Things have changed. Even the most resilient amongst us want to give it all up.

But for some reason, things don’t have to end that way. Some people have already thought of innovative ways to fit our context. They’ve managed to come up with resilient agricultural systems. It is important that we know of such and see which ones best fit our state. We need to encounter 2019 with a little agribusiness vigor.

Below are a few lucrative business ideas to ponder, as we look forward to 2019. Not only agricultural ideas but also other economic opportunities that are associated with them. No more excuses even for those in towns.

B in 27 easy to do agribusiness ideas that will make you rich states that,

“Apart from low-cost of startup and operations, agribusinesses turn out a huge profit of up to 100%. With the increase in unemployment, young people are now embracing agriculture which was erstwhile considered a dirty business reserved only for the poor.”

Below are some of the ideas that will most fit our context in Lesotho. The list is composed from different sources but all are very practical. Its high time we stopped placing our fate in the hands of global warming.

These ideas are global warming resilient. Everyone depends on agriculture, so these are bound to succeed.The list is comprised of low-cost ideas, so no one needs to panic about funds.

Urban Agriculture or Crop Cultivation

This can involve animal husbandry, aquaculture, agro-forestry and horticulture. Urban agriculture contributes to food security and food safety in two ways: first it increases the amount of food available to people living in the cities and secondly, it allows fresh vegetables and fruits and meat products to be made available to urban consumers.

Selling fresh fruits

With a little professionalism and good public appearance or hygiene, you can make money in this business because a lot of people love to eat fresh fruits. Fresh juice is also marketable with a lot of people preferring natural, healthy products compared to manufactured juices and soda.

Annie Pilon in 50 small agricultural business ideas recommends:

  1. Beekeeping & honey production plus bee-wax processing (3 in 1)
  2. Fruit canning & jam production plus juice production (3 in 1)
  3. Meat packing
  4. Hatchery operation
  5. Florist business & potted plant sales

These are a few ideas that can be harnessed in Lesotho. Evidently, these are practical business ideas. They don’t necessarily demand big pieces of land- which if available can be advantageous. These ideas are sustainable and can help us save the already scarce resources at our disposal.

We can also intensify business ideas such as: nurseries, use of natural herbs to make cosmetics etc. Let’s go green in 2019!


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.