The Petroleum Fund is a statutory organisation under the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, which was established through the Legal Notice No. 96 of 1997 under the Finance Order of 1988. The purpose of the Fund is to collect revenue that is utilised for ensuring that there is a security of supply of Petroleum Products in the country. The organisation is further delegated, under the Fuel and Services Control (Delegation Notice) Number 32 of 2021, the powers to set the price of Petroleum Products, and time at which they may be adjusted. It is managed by the Board of Directors while day-to-day activities are administered by the Secretariat, headed by the Chief Executive Officer, and its operations are guided by the Lesotho (Petroleum Fund) Regulations of 2021.
Petroleum Fund invites proposals from reputable and technically qualified individuals or firms with extensive expertise in Corporate Governance to develop Integrated Reporting Template, Delegation of Authority Framework and Governance Framework. Interested eligible individuals or companies may obtain the detailed Terms of Reference with equipment specifications upon payment of a non-refundable fee of M1,000.00 into the Fund’s Bank Account:
Bank Name: Nedbank
Account Holder: Petroleum Fund
Account No: 021000028317
Branch: Kingsway
Bidders should present the confirmation/proof of payment to the Fund offices for the purchase of Bidding Documents. Documents will be available from Thursday the 19th of September from 08:00hrs to 16:30hrs.
Requests for clarification should be made in writing on or before Monday the 7th of October 2024, to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. The Proposals must be submitted in sealed packages clearly marked ‘PF/RFP/2024/2025-06’ containing the Technical Proposals and separately sealed Financial Proposals. The proposals must be submitted to the address below on Thursday the 17th of October 2024 by 12:00hrs, to be followed by a public opening of Technical Proposals at 12:15hrs on the same day.
Delivery Address:
Petroleum Fund LCCI Building
Orpen Road, Old Europa
Maseru 100
Tel. (+266) 22312137
Online submissions may be made by sending encrypted Technical and Financial proposals to [email protected] by the set deadline.