Civil Servants are Back to Work while Observing COVID-19 Considerations

Photo by Tai's Captures on Unsplash

Following The Right Honourable the Prime Minister’s speech, the Public Service, state owned agencies, and projects are expected to be back to work from today. New directives have been issued to clarify new restrictions as well as recommendations during this time.

Civil servants are advised to ensure precautionary measures are in place in order to minimize risk and protect their work environments. Below is an overview of some of the changes introduced for civil servants.

Shift Work and Social Distancing

There is an introduction of shift work and observation of social distancing. Various functions will develop work schedules that will introduce a small number of staff to perform full functions of different Ministries, while observing social distancing and avoiding crowded offices.

Safe Work Environment

Ministries will ensure clean and safe workplace environment at all times. They will provide basic PPE to officers.

Remote Work

Use of technology is endorsed. Officers can opt for remote working strategies where possible to limit physical contact.

As you seek government services, remember to keep a safe distance, wash hands often with running water, and cover your cough. If possible, stay home as much as you can.


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.