Asset Based and Community Led Development Consultancy Scope


We will receive proposals until the 31st of August 2021.

  1. Background

Over time, SaveAct has increased and diversified the support it provides to communities in which it works. Together with venturing into livelihoods and enterprise development came the request to stimulate community- driven development. This has so far been done to the best of each regional team’s capacities. As the organisation has grown and expanded its work to eleven regions and support to over ten partners, the need to upskill SaveAct teams and standardize the process of assisting each community to assess its opportunities has also increased.

  1. Challenge

The current approach in which communities are supported in assessing their livelihoods and enterprise development opportunities incorporates different activities that have been developed over the years, often in response to the requirements of a diverse set of communities and not homogeneous between different regional teams.

The methodology of Asset Based and Community led Development (ABCD), or similar, has been identified by the management team as a suitable tool to assist communities in this practise.

SaveAct therefore needs to embark on a process of reviewing existing approaches, training teams in Asset Based and Community led Development (ABCD), and deciding on a method that can be applied consistently across our regions. This process will require external support in the form of: training, expert advisory and mentoring services. SaveAct will embrace this first as a pilot.

  1. Proposed intervention

Addressing the challenge mentioned above will require several steps. The consultant might want to suggest further tasks. These below are meant to orientate the process:
Assess the methods currently used by regional teams
Assessment methods used by all regions to be reviewed and brought into the process.
Training of trainers on ABCD and providing the necessary mentorship.
Initial training of six staff and mentorship on their first ABCD facilitations as well as debriefing of the experience.
Collation into a ABCD-SaveAct handbook (there might be some specifics to add to the ABCD handbook)
The consultant will collate the outputs from the activities above into a SaveAct ABCD handbook. The handbook will include clear reporting plans and a resource kit to be handed to each community as part of the activity to assist them with their future explorations. A workshop to present the findings to SaveAct is advised to close the process.
4. Associated expenses and timeframes

Implementing the above activities will require input from experts external to SaveAct, the deployment of training to staff, and some additional allocation for internal staff time. We expect a total of six weeks of duration, starting as early in September 2021 as possible.

Whether you are looking for your first job, a better job or just want to manage the direction of your career, explore educational opportunities, and/or pursue entrepreneurship, offers the resources you need to make it happen.