Activate a positive mindset as you go into your job search

Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

Job search can be daunting. Very daunting. It is of course not an impossible puzzle. Come to think of it, job search is just another form of a puzzle. You just have to fit in the pieces together. Then a bigger picture, boom!

All first timers know it. Puzzle games can be frustrating. But once you get a hang of it, boy that’s refreshing. The same goes for job search .

To make it in today’s incredibly competitive job market, many will have to make some radical changes in their job search arsenal. After all, if you want different results change is inevitable. This isn’t rocket science, after all.

What comes to mind when you think of job hunt? Or rather what comes to mind when you think of your employment prospect(s)? What and how you think of this is a game changer.

Your thinking, feelings and beliefs form an integral part in your success chances. By thinking, I am in no way talking about “Positive thinking”. At least not as the law of attraction practitioners view it.

Regardless of whether you have never been employed before, are looking for your first job out of school or have many years in the workforce, you have a core set of beliefs about what you have to do to get hired. These influence your job search process. You are convinced they should work, even if they haven’t worked for you.

Do you ever think that:

  • Getting a job, especially in Lesotho, is a matter of luck or knowing someone?
  • Your potential boss calls all the shots?
  • You have no control over what kind of work you get hired for?
  • You have to do specific things, say certain things and act a certain way to get employers to read your résumé, meet you and hire you?

These and many other feelings and thinking patterns are faulty. It begins with substitution of these patterns. Being more optimistic is what works out here.

Though, thinking in and of itself isn’t enough. Thinking will help you spot necessary resources and to play your part. Think of doing things differently even if you do what only a few people in their “sane” mind will do.

Kiss security in your comfort zone good bye. Meet with people. Explore life. Invest in learning. Volunteer more. Any thinking that hinders these babies must be dumped. So much is happening everyday in the job market. Hidden job market isn’t so hidden after all.


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.