5 Tips for Valuing Yourself to Get What You Want and Deserve

Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

Anyone who has ever been in an interview, especially a job interview, knows that successfully landing a job takes a great deal of communicating and negotiating of one’s value. In this context, candidates have to state their value to prospective employers.

To bring this to light, the long-time favorite questions relating to salary during the job interview have stood the test of time as the measures of how one sees their value. The psychological-demons that devalue people are the height of their activity in those moments.

There’s such a thing as self-esteem or pride in one’s self. Of course, this differs significantly from being cocky. It takes serious self-introspection and true assessment of your professional experience, skills, abilities etc.

When these have been established with some degree of objectivity, it is important that they’re upheld and communicated to others. That’s when they can lead to one getting their due in this life and in the corporate world.

The ability to value yourself, coupled with strong negotiation skills, are critical in terms of determining your own worth and value, and the value which others place upon you.

This is the very reason why many people go through life mopping about the unfairness of life because they feel not valued and used. Unraveling these depressing cocoons, below are the 5 tips for valuing yourself and getting what you want and deserve:

1. Take inventory of yourself and determine your unique value proposition

It can come as a surprise to say that many people don’t really know themselves. They think they do, but they don’t. One way to test out if you do know yourself answer a “Tell me about yourself” interview question during a mock interview. Many will find scattered pieces concerning themselves.

So ensure that you take an inventory of yourself and get a picture of who you are. For instance, SWOT analysis of self can reveal a lot. This will help in determining your uniqueness and showcase what you have to offer.

2. Determine the skill sets that you need and make time to practice those skills regularly

Even amongst the highest achievers, there’s always room for improvement. So, based on what you believe you’re worth, identify areas that may still need developing and work consistently on those.

3. Help others by placing a high value on the contributions that they make

We’re very interrelated, so it is equally important to build others up by showing appreciation on what they do. This is because; this will significantly impact on your growth and ability to really be good at what you do. Remember, no one is an island.

4. Eliminate the negative self-talk and work on improving your own positive self-esteem

Work on mind management tirelessly. Be careful of entertaining devaluing ideas. Strive to be an optimist. Read books and listen to motivational speakers if you have to, but by all means starve temptations to negatively look at and talk about yourself.  

5. Treat yourself with the same respect and value you give to colleagues

Never disrespect yourself. Treat yourself as you expect to be treated.

Final Thoughts

It is essential to work on clearly understanding and communicating of one’s self. Love and respect yourself. Become a person of substance. Stand up for something and make it known. Let your values and worth known without sounding arrogant.

And finally, remember believe in your value and others will too!


Teboho Polanka
Teboho is a Social Worker, Writer and Inspirational Speaker. He is in pursuit of MSc. in Managerial Psychology. Graduates are able to apply psychological principles and methods to tackle challenges in the work environment and provide effective practical solutions. Acting as industrial-organizational psychologists.