10 Quotes By Robert Kopano Taolana. Challenging and Encouraging Quotes!

Article by Relebohile Sera


When I first got my copy of Robert Taolana’s new book, ‘A Talent Pay Cheque’, I read a lot of it the first night and wanted to fast forward by reading ahead here and there.

Without delving into a detailed book review, I found it very motivating. I have now wrapped the book and ready to keep it and use it for my reference. I would not know to what extent I will apply everything but the pointers are indeed very logical and in fact very practical.
Below is a list of quotes by Robert. K. Taolana harvested through the reading of the chapters of his book. Hope these quotes will leave you reeling with a sense of newfound purpose and a zeal for a more meaningful and determined life.
  1. When you frequently expose your mind to wholesome experiences in order to generate good thoughts and feelings of joy and contentment, you will develop ideas and desires that will call forth your latent talent.

  2. You can never know for sure that something will work out for you. You can only hope for the best and make do with whatever outcome you get.

  3. It only takes a strong will and the desire to apply yourself in a greater degree of confidence and effect a positive change in the society.

  4. When your intentions become pure and your mind free, you will begin to live life at a high level and you will not need material possessions to give you happiness and health. You will realize through this life that you alone are the author of the conditions that come to your life.

  5. In order to command service over all conditions, you must think thoroughly, believe faithfully, attempt fearlessly and resolve like a master.

  6. I believe that true prosperity is the ability to look the man next you, the brother in your neighborhood in the eyes in his moment of impossibility and take his need as your own.

  7. Any environment which denies you the right experience starves you of greatness and limits you of greatness you can accomplish.

  8. In as long as we live, we must expand our character to contain the abundance of pretty much everything we desire, and we must always consciously select the experiences and the people that help us to increase the measure of our lives.

  9. The ability to keep going on comes when we feel within ourselves that success and honour will crown the effort we put in whatever we do.

  10. If you can build a block with every wave of motivation that comes, you will soon have yourself a complete house no matter how young you are.


Robert K. Taolana is a Law of Attraction practitioner and a public speaker developing in emotional intelligence and lifestyle health. Robert has published over one hundred and fifty inspirational quotes and he now ranks in the top hundred together with some of the world’s most popular authors and leaders on Quotemee.

Robert is also a founding partner of Evergreen Development Centre in Lesotho and has recently completed his studies in Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) at the National University of Lesotho.
